Thursday, August 22, 2024

OSR Adventure: Ruins of the Deepwood King (4th level)

My first ever OSR adventure is now available on DTRPG!

This adventure is compatible with OSR products such as B/X, Shadowdark, Knave, White Box, Swords and Wizardry, and more. It is designed for a group of 4th level characters with suggestions on how to increase or decrease difficulty depending on the number of players you have. The adventure is a pure dungeoncrawl and is only one level. My personal preference are short dungeons you can complete in a single session, and that's what this one is.

Comes with map as separate download!

The Story So Far...

Bardic tales in this region have long told the mysterious tale of the Deepwood King, and you remember hearing variations of it growing up. Allegedly, there was once a king or great lord who had a castle within Deepwood Forest, a very old growth forest north of town. Twas said the king’s people lived in scattered thorps and hamlets within the woods and that the king made most of his wealth from lumber. There were also scattered farms at the edge of the woods he too claimed dominion over. The castle lay deep in the woods and so was considered by most to be impregnable since no army of size could traverse the thick woods. As such, the kings of Deepwood became soft over the centuries since they did not have any need to engage in warfare, and the army became little more than a token force of soldiers.

One day, so the tale goes, a vicious monster began taking villagers from the woods and settlements. Not wanting to fight the monster himself, the cowardly king put a heavy price on the beast’s head. A peasant took up the call and armed herself, facing down the monster alone. The tale says that the Four Lords looked on her with favor and she slew the beast and took its head straight away to the king, hoping to relieve her poor family’s debts with the reward. However, the king was jealous of the peasant’s heroics and had her secretly put to death. He instead declared that he was the hero who had slain the beast and presented its head to the people.

Some believed him, but many doubted his claim, since most knew him to be a coward. Late that night, so say the bards, the Four Lords visited their retribution for his murder and his lies, and the entire citadel collapsed in on itself, killing the king and all who dwelt there. Since that time, the citadel’s location has been lost as the forest reclaimed the ruins - but the bards always spoke of hidden treasure buried in the dungeons beneath the ruins.

Recently, in a game of chance, you acquired an old map of the Deepwood. It doesn’t show the location of the ruins themselves, but it does show where the old roads used to be. You believe that you can follow the old roads and eventually find the ruins to the old citadel, and the dungeons beneath it. 


I have lots more OSR products!

Check out my Shadowdark classes here (this one free!) and here.

Check out my expanding (now five volume) OSR magic item series here: (Volume I, Volume II, Volume III, Volume IV, Volume V)

Curious about Vancian Magic in Shadowdark? Click here!

Finally, I made a rogues gallery of OSR NPCs you might find useful.

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