Sunday, September 1, 2024

OSR Adventure: Tomb of Skevron (2nd level)

 A new OSR Adventure is now available on DTRPG!

This adventure is compatible with OSR products such as B/X, Shadowdark, Knave, White Box, Swords and Wizardry, and more. It is designed for a group of 2nd level characters with suggestions on how to increase or decrease difficulty depending on the number of players you have. The adventure is a pure dungeoncrawl and is two short levels. My personal preference are short dungeons you can complete in a single session, and that's what this one is.

Maps are included in the PDF!

The Story So Far...

Long ago, this region was conquered by the cruel warlord Skevron the Mad, a cruel tyrant who ruled this region with an iron fist over a century ago. Skevron was known to dabble in the dark arts and welcome such practitioners into his realm. He allowed them free reign to perform vile experimentation with the promise that they would provide him with the means to eternal life…or unlife. However, Skevron  eventually died and was buried, his dark legacy passing into legend. Many have feared Skevron’s Tomb but nothing has come of it in the century hence…until now. Hunters and trappers have reported seeing black clad figures and undead near the tomb’s entrance. Strange lights and sounds  have also been reported, and the locals are starting to panic. The local lord has posted a bounty of 400 silver pieces to adventurers willing to clear out the tomb of any disturbances, plus they can have anything they can carry out of it.

I have lots more OSR products!

Check out my Shadowdark classes here (this one free!) and here.

Check out my expanding (now five volume) OSR magic item series here: (Volume I, Volume II, Volume III, Volume IV, Volume V)

Curious about Vancian Magic in Shadowdark? Click here!

Finally, I made a rogues gallery of OSR NPCs you might find useful.